International projects led by the Union Académique Internationale with UNESCO
Lexicon Iconographicum Mythologiae Classicae (LIMC). This UNESCO project is published in Switzerland (with an editorial office in Basel). Prof. J. Bouzek is the Czech representative in the International Scientific Council of the project, and our institute is the headquarters for the Czech team.
Thesaurus Cultus et Rituum Antiquorum (ThesCRA), editorial offices in Basel and Malibu, as above.
Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum, an international edition of the corpus of Greek vases. The Czechoslovak team (headquarters in our Institute) has published four volumes so far, other volumes being currently in preparation. Two published volumes bring together the Institute’s collection (CVA Prague, Université Charles 1-2).
International projects of the Assoziazione Internazionale di Archeologia Classica with UNESCO
Corpus Signorum Imperii Romani (corpus of Roman sculpture) – the first volume has already been published, and the second is currently in preparation.
Corpus Speculorum Etruscorum (corpus of Etruscan mirrors) – a shared volume titled Hongrie – Tchécoslovaquie has been published, and supplements are being prepared.
Union Internationale des Sciences Préhistoriques et Protohistoriques (UISPP) with UNESCO
Internatioal Commissions for Amber and for Funeral Rites – the Institute is represented by Prof. J. Bouzek – the most recent conferences took place last year (amber – Belgrade, funderal rites – Sibiu).
International Committee of Congresses on Black Sea Studies – the 3rd congress took place in Prague in 2005 (national secretary and international board member: Prof. J. Bouzek), published in the EIRENE journal, years 2006 and 2007.
Ancient West and East, an international journal published by the Committee by Brill publishing house (Leiden – New York), editorial board: Prof. J. Bouzek.
Conference on Traditions of Ancient Art in Central Europe (organized in Prague-Vienna-Berlin as part of the AKTION program). Two collections of papers were published (Studia Hercynia III a VIII).
International Conference of Celtic Culture – organized under the French-Czech Barrande project and in cooperation between our Institute, the Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes Historique et philologiques and the Centre des Etudes Celtiques in Paris (Prof. V. Kruta – Prof. J. Bouzek).
Four conferences were organized in total, and three saw their respective materials published (Studia Hercynia IV and VI, Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae, Historia 2003) the fourth is currently in print, due to appear in Studia Hercynia XI/2007; the fifth publication is planned for 2008. In addition to the above, we are cooperating with the EPHE on a doctoral study program (co-tutelle).
Commission for Classical and Roman-Provincial Archaeology of the Czech Archaeological Society and Slovak colleagues in the field. Annual meetings are held with papers and talks on new discoveries and activities, 2004 and 2005 in Prague, 2006 in Brno.