Filozofická Fakulta
Ústav pro klasickou arecheologii
Ústav pro klasickou arecheologii


Archaeological excavation in Jandavlattepa, Uzbekistan


Project team: PhDr. Ladislav Stančo, PhD. (director) and team members.

Project overview: The hill of Jandavlattepa is located 10 km southeast of the city of Sherobod in Surxondaryo Province of South Uzbekistan, and extends over an area of 7.5 ha.

The Institute of Classical Archaeology began an archaeological excavation of the site of Jandavlattepa in cooperation with the Archaeological Institute of the Republic of Uzbekistan in Samarkand. The first pilot season (2002) consisted of field prospection and survey probes. The second season (2003) saw the beginning of a systematic archaeological excavation in several sectors on the site. The seasons of  2004 and 2005 saw further excavation of the inner city plan in Sector 7, as well as the citadel in Sector 20, the fortified gate in Sector 4. The stratigraphic trench – Sector 2a – was also prolonged. Work continued in the 2006 season only in Sector 2a, which was completely excavated, and Sector 20 in the citadel.

For more information, see the portal on the Institute's projects in Uzbekistan [in Czech].

Publications: Jandavlattepa I. (Karolinum, 2011); L. Stančo et al.: Do srdce Asie. 10 let české archeologie ve Střední Asii (Karolinum, 2012; Into the Heart of Asia: 10 years of Czech archaeology in Central Asia).

Excavation seasons:  2006 - 2005 - 2004 - 2003 - 2002

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