Office: Institute for Classical Archaeology, Faculty of Arts, Charles University in Prague
Celetná Str. 20, Prague 1, phone: (0042) 221 619 724
Grade: Assistant professor of Classical Archaeology
Research focus: Archaeology of Central Asia
Lecture focus: Hellenistic Greece; Hellenized Near East; Topography of Ancient World; Central Asia
Charles University in Prague, the Faculty of Arts, Czech Republic
09/2000 Master of Arts in Classical Archaeology (Thesis: Beginnings and Evolution of the Gandharan Art. The Gandharan Sculpture in the Czech Collections)
2000-2005 Postgraduate studies of classical archaeology; PhD 09/2005 (Thesis: Iconographic development of Art of Gandhara, Bactria and other regions of Kushan Empire – aspect of Hellenisation).
11/00-12/00 The University of Hamburg
10/01-9/02 The University of Ludwig Maxmillian in Munich
Participation in the archaeological excavations:
11/95-12/95 Prague, Czech Republic; 7/96 Mušov, Czech Republic; 8/96 Carnuntum, Austria; 7/97 Mušov, Czech Republic; 8/98 Grateley, England; 9/99 Carnuntum, Austria; 8/01-9/01 Tell Arbid, Syria; 5/02 Palmyra, Syria.
2002-2007 Director of the archaeological expedition, Jandavlattepa, Surkhan Darya province of south Uzbekistan
2008-2011 Leading of the archaeological survey, Sherabad district, Surkhan Darya province of south Uzbekistan
since 2014 - leading of archaeological survey in Pashkhurt valley (Zarabag, Kayrit), south Uzbekistan, excavations at Burgut Kurgan (EA site, Yaz I)
Other research journeys
6/00-8/00 Pakistan 6/01-8/01 Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan
Institute for Classical Archaeology, Charles University, Prague
10/98-9/01 Librarian
01/03-02/06 Assistant lecturer
Since 03/06 Assistant professor
Department of Archaeology, Masaryk University, Brno
10/06-09/07 Assistant professor
2000 Ministry of Education grant (FRVŠ) no. 1383/2000: Beginnings and Evolution of Gandharan Art. The Gandharan Sculpture in the Czech Collections
2001-2003 Grant of Grant Agency of Charles University (GA UK) no. 292/2001/A-HN/FF: Influences of Hellenistic Art in Central and South Asia according to the archaeological sources.
2002 Ministry of Education grant (FRVŠ) no. 2563/2002: Hellenistic Art of Syria and East Anatolia.
2004 Ministry of Education grant (FRVŠ) no.1827/2004 Continuity and discontinuity of the settlement in ancient Bactria
2004-2006 Grant of Grant Agency of Charles University (GA UK) no. 473/2004-2006 Bactria in Greek, Saka and Kushan period
2007 Grant of Faculty of Arts, Charles University in Prague no. 224107 Material culture of Bactria in Late Antiquity
2009 Grant of Faculty of Arts, Charles University in Prague no. 224119 Archaeological map of Sherabad Darya drainage basin: development of the settlement structure of Ancient Bactria
Monograps and edited volumes
Tiscuká, M - Stančo, L. eds. 2016: Afghanistan. Rescued treasures of Buddhism. Exhibition catalogue. National Museum. Prague.
Stančo, L. 2012: Greek Gods in the East. Hellenistic Iconographic Schemes in Central Asia.Prague.
- review: A. Kropp, JRA 28/2015, 893-894.
- review: L. Martinez-Sève, TOPOI 18/2, 2013, 675-679
- review: J. Lerner, Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2014.02.46
Abdullaev, K. – Stančo, L. (eds.) 2011: Jandavlattepa. The Excavation Report for Seasons 2002–2006. Prague.
- review: A. Invernizzi, Mesopotamia XLVII 2012
Popular books
Абдуллаев, К. - Станчо, Л. - Шайдуллаев, А. - Тушлова, П. 2013: Археологическое исследование Джандавлаттепа и Шерабадского района. 10 лет Чешско‑Узбекской археологической экспедиции. Прага.
Stančo a kol. 2012: Do srdce Asie. 10 let české archeologie ve Střední Asii. Praha.
Stančo, L. 2016: Mes ʽAynak and the Art of Gandhara. In: Tiscuká, M. - Stančo, L. eds., Afghanistan. Rescued treasures of Buddhism. Exhibition catalogue. National Museum. Prague, 28-47.
Stančo, L. - Shaydullaev, Sh. – Bendezu-Sarmiento, J. – Lhuillier, J. – Kysela, J. – Shaydullaev, A. – Khamidov, O. – Havlík, J. – Tlustá, J. 2016: Preliminary Report on the Excavations at Burgut Kurgan in 2015. Studia Hercynia XX/2, in print.
Stančo, L. 2016: Archaeological Survey in the Surroundings of Kayrit (South Uzbekistan), Preliminary Report for Season 2015. Studia Hercynia XX/2, in print.
Stančo, L. 2015: An unusual Khotanese terracotta head from the Sherabad oasis. Studia Hercynia XIX/1, in print.
Augustinová, A. - Stančo, L. - Shaydullaev, Sh. - Mrva, M. 2015: Archaeological survey in micro-oasis Zarabag (South Uzbekistan): preliminary report for season 2015. Studia Hercynia XIX/1, in print.
Stančo, L. 2015: New data on the Iron Age in the Šerabad district, South Uzbekistan. In: Johanna Lhuillier, Nikolaus Boroffka (eds.), A Millennium of History. The Iron Age in southern Central Asia (2nd and 1st Millennia BC). Dedicated to the memory of Viktor Ivanovič Sarianidi. Proceedings of the conference held in Berlin (June 23-25, 2014). Archäologie in Iran und Turan, Band 16, in print.
Stančo, L. 2014: Sherabad Oasis: some notes on the settlement pattern in prehistoric and early historic periods. ISIMU 17, in print.
Stančo, L. - Shaydullaev, Sh. - Bendezu-Sarmiento, J. - Pažout, A. - Vondrová, H. 2014: Kayrit burial site (south Uzbekistan): preliminary report for season 2014. Studia Hercynia XVIII/1-2, 31-41.
Stančo, L. 2013: Late Antique fine ware dishes with indeted rim in Bactria. Diffusion or evolution?Parthica 15, 127-156.
Stančo, L. 2011: General description of the site, history of research, In: Jandavlattepa. The Excavation Report for Seasons 2002–2006, Prague, 17-21.
Stančo, L. 2011: Sector 20, the so-called “Citadel”, In: Jandavlattepa. The Excavation Report for Seasons 2002–2006, Prague, 27-93.
Stančo, L. 2011: Introduction, In: Jandavlattepa. The Excavation Report for Seasons 2002–2006, Prague, 9-12.
Danielisová, A. – Stančo, L. – Shaydullaev, A. 2010: Preliminary report of archaeological survey in Sherabad District, South Uzbekistan in 2009. Studia Hercynia XIV, 67-90.
Abdullaev, K. – Stančo, L. 2009: Arkheologicheskie raskopki Dzhandavlattepa. Sezon 2006 goda, senyabr-oktyabr´, in: Arkheologicheskiye Issledovaniya v Uzbekistane 2006–2007 goda, Samarkand, 18–23.
Stančo, Ladislav 2009: The activities in Uzbekistan in the 2008 season: testing the Google Earth as a tool for archaeological prospecting. Studia Hercynia XIII, 115-122.
Stančo, L. 2008: Pět let česko-uzbeckých výzkumů na lokalitě Džandavláttepa editor: Pecha, L. In: Orientalia Antiqua Nova VIII., Plzeň, 335-358.
Stančo, L. 2007: The Portrait Tradition of Ancient Bactria. EIRENE. 2007, XLIII, 186-193.
Stančo, L. 2007b: Počátek projektu "Archeologického informačního systému Střední Asie" (AISCA), In: Orientalia Antiqua Nova VII., ed.: Pecha, L., 199-201.
Abdullaev, K. – Stančo, L. 2007: Jandavlattepa 2006. Preliminary excavation report. Studia Hercynia XI, 157–159.
Stančo, L. 2006: Antropomorfně zdobený džbánek z Džandavláttepa. Studia Hercynia X, 106–110.
Stančo, L. 2006: Pozdně antická severní Baktrie, in: Orientalia Antiqua Nova VI, ed. Pecha, L. VI, 73–78.
Stančo, L. et alii 2006: Jandavlattepa 2005. Preliminary excavation report. Studia Hercynia X, 167–172.
Abdullaev, K. – Stančo, L. 2006: Arkheologicheskie raboty na Dzhandavlattepa v 2004–2005 gg. Sherabadskiy rayon Surkhandarinskoy oblasti, in: Arkheologicheskiye Issledovaniya v Uzbekistane 2004–2005 gody, Tashkent, 12–22.
Stančo, L. 2005: Současná archeologie severní Baktrie. Auriga XLVII, 54-64.
Abdullaev, K. - Stančo, L. 2005: Jandavlattepa: Preliminary report of the 2004 excavation season. Studia Hercynia IX, 273–275.
Stančo, L. 2004: Dionýsův indický triumf. In: Orientalia Antiqua Nova 2004, 109-120.
Abdullaev, K. - Stančo, L. 2004: Археологические работы на Джандавляттепа. Археологические Исследования в Узбекистане 2003 год, 19-25. (ISBN 5-89-890-079-9).
Abdullaev, K. - Stančo, L. 2004: Jandavlattepa: Preliminary report of the 2003 excavation season. Studia Hercynia VIII, 156-160. (ISSN 1212-5865-8)
Abdullaev, K. – Stančo, L. 2004c: Excavation of Jandavlattepa, Sherabad District, Northern Bactria. Circle of Inner Asia Art 19/2004: 3-10. (ISSN 1364-9418)
Stančo, L. 2003: Gandharan Sculpture in the National Gallery, Prague. Annals of the Naprstek Museum 24, 19-28. (ISSN 0231-844X)
Stančo, L. 2003: Předběžná zpráva o archeologickém výzkumu Džandavláttepa v Uzbekistánu. In: Orientalia Antiqua Nova 2003, 121-124.
Abdullaev, K. - Stančo, L. 2003: Djandavlattepa: Preliminary report of the 2002 excavation season. Studia Hercynia VII, 165-168. (ISSN 1212-5865-7)
Abdullaev, K. - Boháč, L. - Stančo, L. 2003: Археологические работы на Джандавляттепа Шерабадского района Сурхендаринскрой области. Археологические Исследования в Узбекистане 2002 год. 15-20. (ISBN 5-86484-126-9)
Stančo, L. 2002: Gandharan toilet tray with the image of Scytho-Parthian King. Graecolatina Pragensia XVIII, 137-140. (ISSN 0567-8269)
Stančo, L. 2002: Taxila. Nový Orient 2/2002, 49-51. (ISSN 0029-5302)
Stančo, L. 2001: Gandharan Sculpture of the Naprstek Museum, Prague. Annals of the Naprstek Museum 22, 31-64. (ISSN 0231-844X)
Stančo, L. 2001: Počátky gandhárského umění. In: Orientalia Antiqua Nova 2001, 49-55.
Stančo, L. 2001: Buddhists in Alexandria? Studia Hercynia V, 69-73. (ISSN 1212-5865-5)
Stančo, L. 2013: O. Jaeggi, Die griechischen Porträts: Antike Repräsentation – Moderne Projektion, Dietrich Reimer Verlag, Berlin 2008, 170 pp. 64 figs. Cased. ISBN 978-3-496-01392-1. Ancient West and East 12. str. 393-394
Talks – selections
Stančo, L. 2016: Vývoj osídlení Šerabádské oázy v jižním Uzbekistánu, presented at the conference "Vítr stepí, hradby oáz: příspěvky k archeologii Střední Asie", Institue of Classical Archaeology, Charles University in Prague, May 27, 2016.
Stančo, L. 2016: What is Roman about Central Asia?, presented at the conference "Exchange of Goods and Ideas. Long Distance Trade in Asia in the 1st millennium AD." Institute of Archaeology, University of Warsaw, POL.
Stančo, L. 2016: Settlement pattern in Bactria from the early Iron Age to the Hellenistic period: The exampleof the Sherabad Oasis and its surroundings, presented at the conference "Hellenistic Central Asia: Current Research, New Directions. Inaugural Colloquium of the Hellenistic Central Asia Research Network(HCARN)", Department of Classics, University of Reading, UK.
Stančo, L. 2016: Step, supi a kozorožci: archeologie zoroastrijské krajiny, presented at the 12th conference of the environmetal archaeology ("Před neolitem..."), Academy of Science, Prague, CZE.
Stančo, L. 2015: Кушано-сасанидские контексты Бактрии:хронологические заметки и пространственный анализ, presented at the conference "ХРОНОЛОГИЯ АНТИЧНЫХ И СРЕДНЕВЕКОВЫХ ДРЕВНОСТЕЙ СРЕДНЕЙ АЗИИ", in Hermitage, St. Petersburg, RUS.
Stančo, L. 2015: Malí bohové a drobní hrdinové: řecká božstva na gemách a prstenech na Východě, presented at the colloquium "Malá velká umění", Prague, CZE.
Stančo, L. 2014: Buddhist Art and Architecture of Western Central Asia: remarks on chronology, presented at the conference "First EAAA Conference", Palacký University, Olomouc, CZE
Stančo, L. - Shaydullaev, Sh. 2014: Kurgan burials in Sherabad river valley - new data, presented at the conference "Civilization of Amudarya in the System of World Culture", Termez State University in Termez, UZB.
Stančo, L. 2014: New data on the Early Iron Age in the Sherabad district, South Uzbekistan, presented at the conference "A millennium of historyThe Iron Age in Central Asia(2nd and 1st millennia BC)", DAI in Berlin, GER.
Stančo, L. 2014: Маргиана и Бактрия в кушано-сасанидской период, presented at the conference «Наследие юго-восточного Туркменистана в системе древних и средневековых культур Евразии» in vaza, Turkmenistan.
Stančo, L. 2013: plenary discussion at the conference "Symposium on Literary Sources on the History of the Kushans" in Berlin, GER.
Stančo, L. 2013: Tábory a pohřebiště kočovníků v podhorské stepi jižního Uzbekistánu: detekce, inspekce, chronologie, presented at the conference "Kurs stepního myšlení. Centrální Asie jako prostor pro mezioborovou spolupráci." in Prague, CZE.
Stančo, L. 2010: Hellenistic Iconographic schemes in the Art of Ancient Central Asia, presented at the conference „Contact Zones of Empires in Asia and Europe: Complexity, Contingency, Causality“, Fukuoka, Japan.
Stančo, L. 2010: Jandavalttepa 2002-2006, presented at the conference „Antique and Early Medieval Culture of Uzbekistan“ in Samarkand, UZB.
Stančo, L. 2010: North-western Bactria in the Late Antiquity, presented at the conference “Archaeological and Ethnological Sciences of Turkmenistan in the Epoch of new Revival and the Great Transformation: progress milestones and new perspectives” v Ashkhabad, Turkmenistan.
Stančo, L. 2006: Dzhandavlat Tepe. presented at the conference „SILK ROADS IN THE DIGITAL ERA - First International Workshop“ in Barcelona, ESP.
Invited lectures
Tashkent State University, Tashkent, Uzbekistan, September 2014
Termez State University, Termez, Uzbekistan, November 2011
Translated books from English to Czech
Stančo, L. 2009: Vogelsang, W., Dějiny Afghánistánu. Grada. (orig.: The Tibetans, Routledge, London) 368 p.
Stančo, L. 2011: Kapstein. M. T., Dějiny Tibetu. Grada. (orig. The Afghans, Routledge, London) 328 p.
Stančo, L. – Kysela, J. 2012: Boatwright, M. T. – Gargola, D. J. – Talbert, R. J. A., Dějiny římské říše. Grada. (orig. The Romans. From village to empire). 530 p.